Embrace It!

You messed up. She lied. He disappointed you. They betrayed you. That’s life. And it happened! Just like that. A lot of us wake up subconsciously trying not make the worst of mistakes as each second passes by. But we forget we don’t control everything; even our very own lives. Think about this, if we... Continue Reading →

(Wo)Man’s World

    “…I don’t know who you women want to prove a point to by trying to be financially independent these days. After all, these same men who you don’t want to depend on will come asking for your hand in marriage and end up taking care of you. That’s back to square one if... Continue Reading →

One Second – One Moment

Twenty four (24) hours make one day, one thousand four hundred and forty (1440) minutes make a day too and eight six thousand for hundred (86400) seconds make one full day, that’s a lot of little second movements right? Yeah, with this little deductions, we can all confidently agree to the little fact that one... Continue Reading →

Goodbye’s Worth

I quite remember someone telling me how hard it is for him to say goodbye. At that moment, I was asking myself how difficult is it to just say goodbye, maybe you are to but really, how difficult is it to say goodbye to him or to your Mum or whoever, how difficult is it... Continue Reading →

The Office…

After an hour in there, I knew I wouldn't regret my decision of going back there in the first place. Definetely, I had to think twice just to weigh my options and the cons sort of outnumbered the pros but I still took the leap. I went back to the office. At first, I thought... Continue Reading →

Love them Unanswered

There have been so many instances I end up saying to myself how much I regret knowing something I previously didn’t know all because I asked certain questions I wasn’t ready to bear the answers they came with. Every single day that passes comes along with a truck load of questions. Some, we can answer... Continue Reading →

Sealed Tears

Papa, I can’t do this anymore. I have been everything any single parent would wish his son to be. I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, I don’t party, and I don’t even have a girlfriend. Up until age twenty three, I still stay with you in order for you to monitor my movements so that... Continue Reading →

The MirrorTalk

It was only 6am but I felt I had slept for eternity despite the fact that I slept very late the previous night knowing that the following day, today, was and is going to be Monday. Every paid up employee knows exactly what that means; dodging the traffic that sits unwanted on every major street... Continue Reading →

Normal Is You

What is normal? Take just fifteen seconds out of whatever time you have to answer the question up above. Let me guess. You used more than the given time to settle on an answer. Do you know why? It’s because there’s no one definition for Normal and for that matter your thoughts were scattered all... Continue Reading →

Death’s Sugar

Death… Geez! The chills that ran through the spine at the very mention of that particular five letter word which carries all sort of darkness and emptiness and void and space and pain and…I can’t go any further because we know it all whether we’ve felt its presence before or not. I am scared of... Continue Reading →

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